
Your Client Experience Drives Your Profit - With Thomas Mann of Aureus Analytics

Your Client Experience Drives Your Profit - With Thomas Mann of Aureus Analytics

Join us as we uncover the integration of DONNA, the revolutionary platform, with agency management systems, and its ability to provide proactive service models through predictive analysis.

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Proper Usage of AI

Anurag Shah CEO of DONNA.ai joins Chris and Paul to discuss the proper usage of AI.  What role to ethics play, how is accountability measured but most of all they focus on how it is a tool to be used by humans, and NOT a substitute for humans.

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catalyit podcast

Unlocking Data Insights: A Conversation Between the CEOs of Catalyit and DONNA.ai

Steve Anderson, Co-Founder of Catalyit, chats with Anurag Shah, CEO of DONNA.ai, about their journey and innovative data analytics solutions. Discover how DONNA SentiMeter® algorithm reveals customer sentiment and empowers agencies to leverage valuable data for significant business impact.

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Using AI to Grow Your Agency

Anurag from Aureus Analytics joins Chris and Paul for a follow up discussion on AI.  The conversation dives into how to grow your agency using AI.  The discuss the difference between the 'neat to have' and what can really drive improvement in your organization.

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Insurance Banter with Burand & Borup

Demystifying AI

Chris and Paul are joined by Anurag Shah of Aureus Analytics, where they discuss:

AI Implementation and Its Potential Benefits 
AI: Myths vs. Reality 
AI's Potential in Insurance Industry 

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The Insurace Perspectives Podcast - Aureus Analytics Pt 2

The Insurance Perspectives Podcast - Aureus Analytics Pt. 2, Rob Bowen

On this episode of the Insurance Perspectives podcast, Rob Bowen of Patriotic Insurance Group talks about he uses DONNA to gain greater insight into his book of business.  

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The Insurace Perspectives Podcast - Aureus Analytics Pt 1

The Insurance Perspectives Podcast - Aureus Analytics Pt. 1, Thomas Mann

On this episode of the Insurance Perspectives podcast, Thomas Mann from Aureus Analytics discusses how DONNA can help an agency leverage data to deliver a superior customer experience to their policyholders.

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Power Producers Podcast

Don't miss this week's episode with Anurag Shah, which drops Monday, 4/17.

I'm an engineer by education. I started my first venture way back, doing software development and quality assurance for insurance and financial services. I worked with companies like IBM and CBA.

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Agency Intelligence

This episode of "Talkin' Tech" with Daniel Lawrence on the MVP Podcast! Co-Host Danny Lawrence sits down with Aureus Analytics very own, Thomas Mann, AAI to discuss IndieTech and the career path that led him to the great team over at Aureus Analytics!

Donna for Agents is one of the most impressive pieces of technology in the market place and is something your agency should take a look at!

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Insurance Banter with Burand & Borup

Anurag Shah from Aureus Analytics

Chris and Paul welcome Anurag Shah from Aureus Analytics. The discussion focused on innovation and how technology can impact talent in your organization.

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Leveraging Data to Add Value to Your Customers and Your Agency

Leveraging Data to Add Value to Your Customers and Your Agency

In this episode of the Insurance Agency Trendsetters Podcast, Ron Shroyer discusses how DONNA for Agents is helping agents improve their customer experience, increase retention, and grow their agencies.

What 60 Million Policyholders Taught Us About Customer Relationship

What 60 Million Policyholders Taught Us About Customer Relationship

Anurag Shah, CEO and Co-Founder of Aureus Analytics has been studying how customers feel about their insurance providers. First with carriers around the globe, and most recently with independent insurance agencies. After processing management system and interaction data across more than 60 million policyholders, Anurag has crafted a way to measure customer loyalty en masse and down to the individual level. Listen in as he talks with Michael Jans at Agency Revolution.

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Ron Shroyer Explains How To Rule The World With Data (and DONNA)

Ron Shroyer Explains How To Rule The World With Data (and DONNA)

In this episode of The Ryan Hanley Show, Ryan Hanley interviews Ron Shroyer, VP of Sales at Aureus Analytics. Ron joins the podcast for a deep dive into data, DONNA, and why those who can harness data will rule the (insurance) world.

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Elevating The Insurance Experience With Aureus Analytics

Elevating The Insurance Experience With Aureus Analytics

Customer retention is a major issue for insurance companies, as is insurance fraud, and figuring out how to separate the good customers from the bad is worth billions. That is where Aureus Analytics comes in, using predictive analytics and machine learning to deliver insights to help insurers maximize customer lifetime value while providing a better customer experience. In this episode, Ojala Naeem at CTNext sits with our CEO and Co-Founder Anurag Shah to discuss how he is helping reshape the insurance customer experience.

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What You Don’t Know Will Cost You Millions

What You Don’t Know Will Cost You Millions

Ron Shroyer believes in helping agencies adopt better ways to manage and grow their business. Mike Stromsoe, President at Stromsoe Insurance Agency, has been in conversation with Ron about what his company's newest product, DONNA, an artificial intelligence and data analytics platform does for independent agencies. 

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Who Is DONNA, And Why Is She So Important To My Agency

Ron Shroyer - Who Is DONNA, And Why Is She So Important To My Agency?

Ron talks with Heath Shearan, the Mayor of Insurance Town about Aureus Analytics and how they are changing the game for so many agencies. He shares with us the story of Donna, and how she got her name, and how this product is revolutionizing the customer experience from the inside out.

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